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Public Diplomacy

by on March 28, 2012
Scholars in the field of diplomacy have failed to agree to a universal definition of PD; as some might think one definition is to narrow others would argue that it is too broadly defined and therefore might lose some of its intellectual coherence. The next theme which divides academic opinion in this field is its practice. How do you practice PD and more importantly who and what has to be involved to call it PD? Since PD first entered the lexicon.
Mellisen’s idea of the term is that “public diplomacy is aimed at foreign public’s, and strategies for dealing with such public’s should be distinguished from the domestic socialization of diplomacy” (Kelley J.R 2009: 73). Nicolas Cull however points out that PD was used as another form of propaganda; to influence foreign public as did the United States Information Agency during the Vietnam war simply because the tern propaganda was associated with negative meaning. Listening through speeches, TV broadcasting and other forms is the most important element in convincing foreign audience. (Gott, 2008: 285)
Hollywood movies (I would argue) is one of the most influential tools within PD as it reaches a wide audience in all continents. The era of celebrity diplomacy like Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley and other celebrities have profoundly altered the opinion of people living outside the United States. The ‘American Dream’ has won peoples hearts and minds. 
However, on the other side, not everything is like it seems to be. PD has lost some of its popularity with the Iraq and Afghanistan intervention. The war on terrorism has had a negative impact on ‘Americas image’ around the world, especially in Muslim dominated countries. According to polls, (Gott, 2008: 289)
America therefore had to reform its PD to serve their foreign policy to gain support and cooperation.
But the fundamental questions remains open. How far can a state use these kind of tools to call it diplomacy and more importantly to be successful in the implementation?
Many things changed and evolved since the term and its practice were first used. The innovation of technology, globalisation, high quality movies and audio recordings, faster news broadcasing and such have altered the way governments operate within PD.
Gott Kendall D. (2008 ) U. S. Army and the Interagency Process: Historical Perspectives: The Proceedings of the Combat Studies Institute 2008 Military History Symposium, Kansas, Combat Studies Institute Press. compasses dimensions of international relations beyond … deals with the influence of public attitudes on the formation and execution of foreign policies. It encompasses dimensions of international relations beyond traditional diplomacy; the cultivation by g



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